Funnel Settings

Learn about the settings you can configure for the entire funnel / campaign.

Claire F avatar
Written by Claire F
Updated over a week ago

In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn the different settings that can be applied to the whole funnel including all pages inside.

Go to the [Funnels] app, click on the campaign you'll be working on then click "Settings."

Funnel Details

This is where you can modify the name of your funnel and add a description.

Smart Planner Profiles

This is where you can choose the Smart Planner Profiles you want to use for a funnel.

  1. If you've already completed filling out the profiles in the Smart Planner, toggle on the smart profiles you want to use.

  2. If you haven't done that yet and want to leverage the Smart Planner so you can generate a tailor-fit copy for your pages in one click,, you may click [+ Create a new profile] button. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add or edit profiles using the Smart Planner.

Funnel Domain Name

  1. Add a domain you want to use for this funnel. Please use a domain you own. You can buy one from any registrar or domain provider (e.g. GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc).

Scripts and Tracking

Add a tracking code or script for your entire funnel. This will apply to all pages in your funnel. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add scripts and codes to the entire funnel.

Delete this funnel

This is where you can delete the entire funnel. Note that this action is irreversible so make sure you already backed up and migrated all you needed from this funnel before deleting the funnel.

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