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How to Add a Custom Domain Name
How to Add a Custom Domain Name

Learn how to connect a custom domain or subdomain to your funnel / campaign.

Claire F avatar
Written by Claire F
Updated over a week ago

Launch OS enables users to seamlessly integrate a custom domain or subdomain, empowering them to personalize their online presence with branded URLs. This feature is ideal for creating a professional image, enhancing brand recognition, and providing a memorable web address for customers to access your website or landing pages.

Step 1: Go to the [Funnels] app, click on the campaign you'll be working on then click "Settings."

Step 2: Add a New Domain

Scroll down to the "Funnel domain name" section then click the [+Add a new domain] button.

Type in the Domain Name you want to add to your account then click "Next."

Step 3: Decide if you'll use a subdomain or not.

If you will use a domain and not a subdomain, click "No content, I'm starting from scratch."

If you'll use a subdomain, select "It has content, preserve what's there."

Type in the subdomain name you want to use (e.g., then click "Next."

Step 4: Select which provider you chose for your domain registration (or hosting).

If you're using GoDaddy, click "Next." Otherwise, click "Not using GoDaddy? Click here for instructions for other providers." and follow the instructions there.

Step 5: Follow the instructions that will pop up on how to connect your domain to your funnel.

For every domain provider (e.g. GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc), the steps may differ. The instructions will pop up on your screen or you may search how to add a CNAME record or manage DNS in the Help Center of your domain provider.

In general, you need to log in to your registrar/domain provider in another tab and then do the following:

  1. Go to the DNS settings.

  2. Add a CNAME record.

  3. Enter a name for your CNAME or subdomain (e.g. m, events, www)

  4. Add in the Value field (or whatever this field is called in your domain provider)

  5. Save your settings.

  6. Go back to Launch OS tab and do the next step below.

Step 6: Click Next

Click next when you're done with step 5 to complete the settings.

In most cases, it only takes about 20 minutes before your domain is ready. In most cases, it only takes about 20 minutes before your domain is ready.


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