Launch (Video Series) Funnel

Funnel Goal: "Pre"-sell your product/service

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

Use this funnel to build maximum value to build anticipation for an upcoming event (e.g. the launch of a new product). Use this as an opportunity thank your new customer / subscriber for getting to this step, ask them to “white list” your email address, and delight them with SURPRISE bonus.

This funnel is made up of 3 Launch pages:

If you're working on a campaign right now, make sure you have these 3 funnel pages in your campaign. Otherwise, you can create a new funnel using the "Launch (Video Series) Funnel"

From the dashboard, click the [+] button at the bottom of the screen to load the marketing templates. Do a keyword search for "Launch (Video Series) Funnel"

Step 1 - Select Page Templates

Once you've have all 3 pages in the campaign, select page templates for each one. You can always change a page template by clicking the "Template" tab on the left menu.

Step 2 - Setup Your Launch Pages (Video Series)

The main goal of this funnel is to build anticipation by giving them some information about your event or product.

Tip #1: Release 3 or 4 high-value videos sequenced over 5-10 days, leading up to a "big reveal."

Tip #2: Make the content in each video solve "one" more problem, taking your prospect "one" step closer to the solution they want the most. The solution they'll receive when they purchase your product.

Tip #3: Ask (or incentivize) the top influencers in your market to promote these videos in a united front to generate maximum buzz. Then end your big reveal after a few days.

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