Simple "Straight Sale" Funnel

Funnel Goal: Generate Sales

Rianna Ramirez avatar
Written by Rianna Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

Use this funnel to "sell" your product/service. This funnel begins with a "sales page" that is used to convince visitors to become buyers and an "order form" to collect payment .

This funnel is made up of 3 pages:

  1. Sales Page

  2. Checkout Page / Order Page

  3. Thank You Page

If you're working on a campaign right now, make sure you have these 3 funnel pages in your campaign. Otherwise, you can create a new funnel using the "Simple Straight Sale Funnel" 

From the dashboard, click the [+] button at the bottom of the screen to load the marketing templates. Do a keyword search for "simple straight sale funnel"

Step 1 - Select Page Templates

Once you've have all 3 pages in the campaign, select page templates for each one. You can always change a page template by clicking the "Template" tab on the left menu. Click here to learn more about choosing a page template.

Step 2 - Setup Your Sales Page

The Sales Page is the very first page on the funnel, it's main goal is to convert a page visitor to make a purchase. 

Tip #1: You will make more sales when your sales page has ONE primary purpose: to sell your product. So, create a "Sales" page with the single goal of getting an order. Remove anything that doesn't serve this goal. 

Tip #2: Of the pages we analyzed, we found that the best performing "sales" pages tend to follow this format. Model this for the great results: Begin with a STRONG attention-grabbing headline, identify their problem, show your solution, highlight benefits, display testimonials, then make your offer. Include a strong guarantee, then ask for the sale. 

Page Set-up

  • Make sure a call-to-action button is in place on the page. 

  • Set the button action to "Go to the next page" (the next page is the Order Page)

Step 3 - Setup Your Checkout Page / Order Page

The Checkout Page is where the customer keys in their credit card information to make the purchase.  

  • Set the button action to "Purchase Items with New Card"

  • Click the link to open the Payment Settings

Step 4 - Connect Your Payment Gateway

Step 5 - Enter an Amount

Enter an amount, then click "Next"

Optionally, you include a 1-Click Upsell Offer in the funnel. 1-click upsells allow you to offer another product on top of your main offer with a single click. It's a strategy to get your customers to spend more.

Step 6 - Publish Your Campaign

Exit the page you're working on, then click the "Publish" button on the campaign builder to publish all the pages in your campaign.

Step 7 - Test Your Campaign

That's it! Don't forget to test your campaign before promoting it to your audience.

  • Access the Sales Page live page URL

  • Click the purchase button, this should redirect you to the Order Page

  • Complete the form then submit, this should redirect you to the Thank You Page

  • Check your payment provider if the transaction went through 

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